Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Biblical Perspective on Beauty

Before I start to post anything relating to beauty on this blog, I want to go over something very important - a biblical perspective on beauty.  In today's world, and, really, at any point in history, beauty has been a big deal.  People think that how they look solely represents who they are, which, of course, isn't true!

You've probably heard it three bazillion times, but I'm going to say it again: True beauty comes from within.  It doesn't matter how pretty your face is or what your hair looks like.  How you act, and what kind of a person you are inside, is what really matters. 

Another thing we've been taught by society is that a man loves a woman based on her looks.  This is also definitely wrong.

So, we know that what the culture says about beauty is incorrect, but what is correct?  The best place to turn when you have a question like this is the Bible.
"But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:4 
Something very important about this verse is that this inward kind of beauty is imperishable.  
"All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flowers of the field.  The grass withers, the flower fades..." Isaiah 40:6-7 
Physical beauty fades.  It doesn't last forever.  What does last forever is the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  What does this mean?  It means a spirit that doesn't seek attention.  The opposite of "gentle and quiet" would be something like "bold and loud," and this describes a lot of women nowadays.  Every person, out of sinful nature, seeks attention.  They may literally be loud - try to catch people's attention with their words - or they may be loud with their physical appearance: trying to be as beautiful as possible.
While some people may be naturally talkative, they can still have a gentle and quiet spirit.  The point is not to actually be quiet, but to be meek, and not seek attention.  You may not receive attention from people, but God pays the most attention to the girl with a gentle and quiet spirit.

I have always, always loved anything beauty-related!  I love to do makeup, hair, nails, etc.  We have pictures of me, at age two or three, all done up with my Barbie makeup and nail polish.  Because I love these things so much, I have to be very careful not to lose sight of what true beauty means.  I have to remember why I spend time on beauty - is it because I want attention and because I want to look beautiful, or is it because I simply enjoy it?  Remember, you can glorify God in many ways, and if you have the right perspective on beauty, doing your hair or painting your nails can be one of them.

Another point I would like to make is in the Bible, the word "beauty" is sometimes used to describe physical appearance, but more often, it is used to describe something like "glory."
"One thing have I asked of the LORD... to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD..." Psalm 27:4 
God has beauty.  But we know this doesn't mean He is "pretty."  Is means He is glorious.  I think the second definition for beauty is a much better one, don't you agree?  Let us strive to be "beautiful" in the way that God is.

All that being said, I don't think it's wrong to have fun with things related to beauty.  In fact, since we are lights representing Jesus in this world, we need to make sure we don't look like "hobos" (as my brother would put it).  :)  We just need to have the right perspective.

I could say so much more on this topic, but I will leave it at this.  I hope to post lots of fun beauty stuff on this blog, but before beautifying our outward appearance, let's concentrate on growing a gentle and quiet spirit.

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

1 comment:

  1. Awesome description of TRUE beauty, Bailey! God made us to want to look beautiful, so it comes naturally to (most of) us as females, but we have to be careful not to go too far.

    Like Bailey said, there is so much more to be said on this topic, so don't be surprised if you see another post on it later!

    Bailey, I love how you added scripture in to support your ideas. Very well presented. :) Thanks again for your words of encouragement,

    -Caraline :)
