Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! This is Caraline. Happy New Year! 

Now that the New Year has started, and everyone is thinking about their New Years Resolutions, remember the passage I shared in the last post (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) about their being a time for everything. We should pray that God would guide us into making wise decisions about everything we will do this year. 
Remember that we can do all things through him who strengthens us. Search through your life and your thoughts and worries, and make a list of things you need to work on, or change, or stop doing, or whatever the case may be. Pray that the Lord would show you these things. You don't have to label them as "resolutions," just think of them as prayer requests. Things that you want to work on throughout this year. Hopefully next year we will be able to check off those things on our list and start a new list. This is a great way to allow the Lord to mold us into who he wants us to be! (And who we should desire to be!)

I hope everyone has a great New Year! ♥

Fruit of the Spirit

1 comment:

  1. Caraline, I thought these comments were poignant for myself, even being at a different stage in life. How wonderful that we have the Savior, Jesus Christ. He desires and longs for us to come to him in our weakness. It
    's scary when we think we are strong, not considering Him. I appreciate your blog.
